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Does My Servo Motor Need Repair?

Used throughout a wide range of industries and applications, servo motors are critical in meeting performance and production targets.  When one of these motors is operating at less than full capacity, or is off-line, the results can be disastrous.

Fortunately, there are warning signs to help you to anticipate unscheduled maintenance and determine if your servo motor should be further inspected for repair. In this blog post we’ll address some of the most common warning signs.

Servo Motor Operating Conditions

Because servo motors often operate under heavy workloads and in sometimes harsh manufacturing environments, they can be subjected to a variety of conditions that will adversely affect their performance and longevity. Servo motors can experience problems due to a buildup of debris or oil in the housing.

In other instances, the encoder may stop working due to problems with the glass disc or electronics. And like any piece of machinery, there are components, such as bearings or brakes, that will simply wear out over time.

Servo Motor Guide

Servo Motor Lifespan

Even the most well-maintained servo motors have a finite lifespan. While many servo motor manufacturers list a top-end service life of about 30,000 hours, this will often vary depending on application and working conditions. And when a servo motor goes down unexpectedly, the result is lost production and ultimately a hit to the bottom line.

Servo Motor Problems

Fortunately, there are some early warning signs to look for that would indicate that your servo motor might need maintenance. Signs such as these are early indicators that your servo motor should be inspected:

  • Running hot
  • Decreased speed
  • Loses power
  • Limited range of mobility
  • Engages intermittently
  • Reduced efficiency
  • Emits an unusual sound

Quick Servo Motor Inspection

Before panicking or jumping into full-maintenance mode, perform a quick visual inspection for any obvious causes. For example, if the motor isn’t running at all, check the power supply, grounding, and for loose wiring before initiating a deeper dive.

If the motor is overheating, ensure that there is sufficient airflow around the unit. You should also make sure that the servo motor is not mounted on a gearbox or similar heat emitting system. You should also check to be sure that the voltage requirements are being met.

As with any piece of equipment, it’s important to keep track of how long your motor has been running and when to have the components replaced in case they have started to wear out.

Servo Motor Repair

Fortunately, servo motor issues can be easily diagnosed with the right tools. Mitchell Electronics, Inc. offers the experience, expertise, along with the industry-leading servo motor repair tools to quickly diagnose problems with any servo motor.

Contact us to see how we can help!

Servo Motor Guide